
Dynamic Digital Framework for Your Business

DSE Modelling and Platform Building

DSE Learning and

  • The Power of Digital Startups

    Digitize your business with our platform-building service. Extend your reach, cut costs, engage with customers, and make well-informed decisions backed by data-driven insights.

  • Own a private platform

    Content collaboration platforms boost productivity but pose risks to critical data control. Owning a private DSE platform, an on-premises solution, enables online collaboration without compromising compliance and security.

Platform building through

DSE Modeling & Building Courses

2 weeks
ÂŁ39 ÂŁ33
Mapping and Implementing for Startups Embark on a transformative journey with our course designed to guide you through the exciting realm of Lean s...
16 Lectures
2 weeks
ÂŁ39 ÂŁ33

What can you benefit from this course?

Learning and Constructing Your DSE Model

Why should I take these courses?

Startups frequently encounter challenges ranging from a shortage of personal passion to becoming mired in the planning and documentation phase, which hampers their ability to advance and measure customer interactions. The creation of a supportive infrastructure that aligns with business workflow and logic is crucial for real-world success.

Our online courses offer a comprehensive solution to help you overcome these challenges.

How can I achieve this goal?

The course begins by addressing personal and social value concerns and then delves into market and project execution perspectives using the Lean Startup methodology. Through canvas-thinking, it ultimately transforms your business model into a digital social entrepreneurship (DSE) framework, enabling exploration of new possibilities and opportunities to deliver both social and financial value

How can I deploy my own platform?

After completing your final task, you will receive a Digital Framework proposal to assist you in deploying it in the open-source market. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can manage the deployment and maintenance of the Digital Framework for you through advanced contracts.

Dynamic Platform Building Service

Digital platforms offer numerous significant advantages for businesses

Global Reach and 24/7 Accessibility:
  • Digital platforms provide a global opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses and individuals.
  • Overcoming geographical limitations, businesses can engage with a diverse customer base.
  • Operating 24/7 increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Cost-Effectiveness and Flexibility:
  • Digital platforms offer cost-effective solutions for small businesses with limited resources.
  • They assist in marketing, communication, and transactions.
  • The flexibility of digital platforms allows businesses to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.
  • Digital platforms provide scalable infrastructure, enabling business expansion without physical constraints.
  • Promotes growth without requiring substantial capital investment.
Direct Communication and Brand Recognition:
  • Enables direct communication with customers for real-time feedback and stronger relationships.
  • Data analytics on digital platforms target specific audiences for more effective marketing.
  • Enhances brand recognition and credibility, crucial for small and medium-sized businesses.
Collaboration and Networking:
  • Facilitates collaboration and networking, connecting businesses and individuals with potential partners, clients, or customers.
  • Leads to new opportunities and increased exposure.
Automation, Innovation, and Customer Feedback:
  • Automation features reduce manual tasks, saving time and resources for increased efficiency.
  • Embracing digital platforms keeps businesses ahead by adopting innovative technologies and responding to market trends.
  • Direct communication with customers allows for effective gathering of feedback, leading to product and service improvements, fostering increased satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

The Interactive Modeling Process for Building Dynamic Platforms

1. Enhancing the Business Model

Analysing the creation of social and financial value in your startup or innovation project and refining the SE Business Model Canvas

2. Digital Strategy

Recommending appropriate digital tools for each segment of digital business model and developing a comprehensive platform design strategy

Digital platforms offer numerous significant advantages for businesses, Some key benefits include:

3. Implementation Proposal

Proposing front-end and back-end software and hardware resources, the proposal covers functionalities, pricing, and integration into a cohesive workflow within the business model

3+. Learn-Build-Manage Service

Analysing the social and financial value in your startup or innovation project and refining the DP Business Model Canvas

Roadmap of Digital Entrepreneurship

Develop an interactive Digital Framework aligned with Business Modelling
What you can have
  • Canvas-Thinking Methodology

    It utilizes canvas-thinking to map out your business from passion to market perspectives.

  • Value Creation

    It enables you to deliver social value with digital solutions

  • Dynamic Digital Platform

    You can create a flexible and scalable digital platform tailored to your business model

  • Platformization

    The framework guides you in platformizing your business operations.

Great business model can reshape industries and drive spectacular growth.

Audio/Video Lesson: Interactive tooltips


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Auto-Generate your Business Model Canvas

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Recent DSE Platform Project

Young adults mutual support and
Video learning platform

We are creating various video learning platforms for collaborative entrepreneurial communities, each designed for young adults, the aging population, and women, to shape mutual networks for them