Begin by exploring innovation ideas through the intersection of the world and yourself.
Butterfly diagram
Value Canvas
Then, Analyze the dynamics between customer needs and the product/service that carries your value proposition
Lean Startup CAnvas
Finally, map these elements onto the Lean Canvas to formulate an action plan for the build-measure-learn cycle. We can then develop the DSE Framework to support operations within each block of the Lean Canvas. Once we've built mutual product/services and customer relationships, we can adapt the DSE framework to the BM and SEBM Canvas.
DSE BM Model Canvas
After constructing a practical plan using the Lean Startup Canvas, we are now building the DSE Framework for our business operations.
Business Model Canvas
Mapping a comprehensive infrastructure for business operations, we utilize the Business Model Canvas to examine the dynamics between each block. The blocks in the Business Model Canvas can be developed and refined to create solutions through business development.
SE Business Model Canvas
Based on the BM Canvas components, we're reorganizing each block into an SEBM Canvas to support social and legacy enterprises in merging social value into their business model.
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