




许多台湾女性努力在事业和家庭之间找到平衡. According to government data in 2022, there are 15.9% ( 330,000) of women left their jobs to care for their children or other family members. 没有个人收入, 她们可能会更加依赖伴侣或丈夫的经济资源. 最后, 他们失去信心和社交网络, 阻碍他们的个人成长并导致他们忘记他们已经获得的才能.



数字社会创业启动计划旨在支持女性重建信心和社交网络,以进一步启动她们的社会企业或项目. 据我们所知, 数字世界已成为连接人们、创造货币和社会价值的重要渠道. 我们创建了一个独特的数字框架来支持个人从开发想法到开展业务



该计划由八个在线研讨会组成, 为了您的方便,所有会话都将被记录. 您可以在一年内重新访问内容. 每周都会涵盖一个特定主题,并附有一项作业来指导您表达自己的想法. 在最后阶段, 你也会有 1-2-1 指导会议以最终确定您的商业计划和数字战略.

完成本课程后, 您可以继续加入在线论坛与您的同行和同事讨论您的想法和问题. 我们相信,集体努力可以把事情做得更大、更精彩.


星期 1: Butterfly Wings: Searching for Entrepreneurial Ideas! Inventory and Flight

  • Personal World: 能力和资源. Passion and Dreams.
  • External World: Problems and Opportunities. 客户和活动.
  • Brainstorming and Mind Mapping to propose ideas, brand, value, and mission drafts.
  • 实例探究: Elderly Care Services, Healing Essential Oils.

星期 2: Let’s Establish a Studio! Managing Partner Relationships and Surveying Potential Customers

  • Activating Cloud Studio: Interface and Tool Learning.
  • Designing Surveys, Conversations, and File Sharing Discussions.

星期 3: Agile Entrepreneurial Layout

  • Viewing Personal Value Ideas from Market and Customer Perspectives.
  • 产品设计: Quick Layout for a Vegetarian Restaurant.
  • Describing Customer and Venue Profiles, Identifying Issues, Solutions, and Success Indicators.
  • Discussion and Mutual Evaluation.

星期 4: Imagine with Experience & Test Your Customer Persona

  • Interviews, Surveys, and Rapid Market Research.
  • Social Imagination: Identifying Industries, Focusing on Target Audiences.
  • Creating Customer Profiles: Identity, 收入, Purchasing Behavior, Overcoming Life Obstacles.
  • Product Advantages: Tailoring Products/Services to be Irresistible.
  • Conducting Surveys and Interviews.

星期 5: 数字解决方案画布

  • Digital Operations Architecture: Production, Delivery, Redemption, Distribution of Value.
  • Types of Digital Products and Services.
  • Inventory of Digital Entrepreneurship Product Types: Knowledge, Skills, 内容, Items, Body, Activities.

星期 6: 数字商业工具盘点: How to Quickly Start Business

  • 协作和项目管理工具.
  • Tools for Social Relationships: Social Media, Participation, Customer Experience Processes.
  • 营销, 内容, 电子邮件, 形式, 客户关系管理工具.
  • Strengthening Knowledge and Skills: AI Support, Audiovisual Learning, Channel Creation.
  • Financial Forecast Management Tools.
  • Choosing Activation Methods.

星期 7: Financial Plan and Profit Model

  • Socioeconomic Capital Reassessment.
  • Entrepreneurial Financial Plan: 盈利模式和现金流计算.
  • Digital Structure Plan: 数码产品, 营销 7 Ps.

星期 8: Establishing a Platform: 自由的, Rent, or Share, Owned

  • Types of Business Platforms: Integration of Front and Back Ends, Internal and External Partners, 顾客, and Community.
  • Business Identity: Logo Design, Landing Page Design, Product Service Design, Process Design.
  • Marketing and Management.
  • Creating and Maintaining Learning Channels.
  • AI Knowledge Consultation Tools.
  • Content Resources for Marketing and Customer Education: Text/Image, Audio/Video.
  • 参考: Various E-commerce Models.


您有一个可爱的商业想法并想付诸实践吗? 什么不加入我们? 通过八个研讨会, 我们可以研究您的商业想法, 商业模式创建到数字社交创业提案.



本套线上课程, 由伦敦大学学者编辑制作, 基于伦敦大学“社会创业”项目的资源. 将数字创业技能和项目培训计划与社区互助活动融为一体.

在特定的社区学习活动期间, 各组导师根据线上课程进度主导活动. 他们引导参与者阅读, 活动, 和讨论, 和每周小组会议 (与各章的作业保持一致) 进行全面讨论和解决问题.

这种结构激发了社区内学习和构思的相互鼓励和帮助. 在建立数字化业务方面, 社区成员可以互相支持, 促进企业, 甚至在困难时期提供鼓励和帮助.