Digital Women Entrepreneurship

Digital startups courses

A guide for fostering social innovation within a community

Digital Women Entrepreneurship Course

Social entrepreneurship integrated with digital Solutions

Many women struggle to find balance between their careers and family care in Taiwan. According to government data in 2022, there are 15.9% ( 330,000) of women left their jobs to care for their children or other family members. Without their personal income, they may become more reliant on economic resources from their partners or husbands. Par conséquent, they lose confidence and social networks, hindering their personal growth and causing them to forget the talents they have already acquired.

The essential channel for connecting people and generating both monetary and social values.

rebuilding their confidence and social networks

The digital social entrepreneurship startup program aims to support women in rebuilding their confidence and social networks to further launch their social enterprises or projects. As we know, the digital world has become an essential channel for connecting people and generating both monetary and social values. We have created a unique digital framework to support individuals from developing ideas to launching their businesses

eight online workshops to finalize your business plan and digital strategy

you can continue to join the online forum to discuss your ideas and problems with your peers

This program consists of eight online workshops, and all sessions will be recorded for your convenience. You can revisit the content within one year. Each week will cover a specific topic with an assignment to guide you in expressing your own ideas. In the final stage, you will also have 1-2-1 mentoring sessions to finalize your business plan and digital strategy.

After completing this course, you can continue to join the online forum to discuss your ideas and problems with your peers and fellows. We believe that collective efforts can make things bigger and more wonderful.

This is what you will receive upon enrollment.

Week 1: Butterfly Wings: Searching for Entrepreneurial Ideas! Inventory and Flight

  • Personal World: Abilities and Resources. Passion and Dreams.
  • External World: Problems and Opportunities. Customers and Activities.
  • Brainstorming and Mind Mapping to propose ideas, brand, value, and mission drafts.
  • Case Studies: Elderly Care Services, Healing Essential Oils.

Week 2: Let’s Establish a Studio! Managing Partner Relationships and Surveying Potential Customers

  • Activating Cloud Studio: Interface and Tool Learning.
  • Designing Surveys, Conversations, and File Sharing Discussions.

Week 3: Agile Entrepreneurial Layout

  • Viewing Personal Value Ideas from Market and Customer Perspectives.
  • Product Design: Quick Layout for a Vegetarian Restaurant.
  • Describing Customer and Venue Profiles, Identifying Issues, Solutions, and Success Indicators.
  • Discussion and Mutual Evaluation.

Week 4: Imagine with Experience & Test Your Customer Persona

  • Interviews, Surveys, and Rapid Market Research.
  • Social Imagination: Identifying Industries, Focusing on Target Audiences.
  • Creating Customer Profiles: Identity, Income, Purchasing Behavior, Overcoming Life Obstacles.
  • Product Advantages: Tailoring Products/Services to be Irresistible.
  • Conducting Surveys and Interviews.

Week 5: Digital Solution Canvas

  • Digital Operations Architecture: Production, Delivery, Redemption, Distribution of Value.
  • Types of Digital Products and Services.
  • Inventory of Digital Entrepreneurship Product Types: Knowledge, Skills, Content, Items, Body, Activities.

Week 6: Inventory of Digital Business Tools: How to Quickly Start Business

  • Collaboration and Project Management Tools.
  • Tools for Social Relationships: Social Media, Participation, Customer Experience Processes.
  • Commercialisation, Content, Email, Formulaire, CRM Tools.
  • Strengthening Knowledge and Skills: AI Support, Audiovisual Learning, Channel Creation.
  • Financial Forecast Management Tools.
  • Choosing Activation Methods.

Week 7: Financial Plan and Profit Model

  • Socioeconomic Capital Reassessment.
  • Entrepreneurial Financial Plan: Profit Models and Cash Flow Calculations.
  • Digital Structure Plan: Digital Products, Commercialisation 7 Ps.

Week 8: Establishing a Platform: Gratuit, Rent, or Share, Owned

  • Types of Business Platforms: Integration of Front and Back Ends, Internal and External Partners, Customers, and Community.
  • Business Identity: Logo Design, Landing Page Design, Product Service Design, Process Design.
  • Marketing and Management.
  • Creating and Maintaining Learning Channels.
  • AI Knowledge Consultation Tools.
  • Content Resources for Marketing and Customer Education: Text/Image, Audio/Video.
  • Reference: Various E-commerce Models.

À propos de ce cours

Cet ensemble de cours en ligne, édité et produit par des chercheurs de l'Université de Londres, s’appuie sur les ressources du programme « Social Entrepreneurship » de l’Université de Londres. Il intègre des compétences entrepreneuriales numériques et des plans de formation par projet avec des activités d'entraide communautaire..

Lors d’activités d’apprentissage communautaires spécifiques, les mentors de chaque groupe dirigent des activités en fonction de la progression du cours en ligne. Ils guident les participants dans la lecture, activités, et discussions, et réunions de groupe hebdomadaires (aligné sur les missions de chaque chapitre) pour des discussions approfondies et la résolution de problèmes.

Cette structure stimule l'encouragement mutuel et l'entraide dans l'apprentissage et l'idéation au sein de la communauté.. Dans la création d’entreprises numériques, les membres de la communauté peuvent se soutenir mutuellement, promouvoir les entreprises, et même fournir des encouragements et de l'aide dans les moments difficiles.