Course: Implementing Your Business:from Ideas to...


Implementing Your Business:from Ideas to Platform

Text lesson

Introduction: Upgrade Your Business Model in digital world

Business model innovation

In today’s dynamic market, it is imperative for leaders to innovatively approach their business models. This is of utmost significance for companies encountering shifts in the market, societal trends, or competitive advantages and disadvantages. CEOs must skillfully manage and harmonize the various elements of their business framework to adeptly adjust or transform their business models.

The trends

In this current decade, entrepreneurs are facing two significant paradigm shifts. One involves the evolution of social value delivery, while the other revolves around the platformization of business models. More often than not, these two paradigms are merging into a cohesive approach
In this changing landscape, businesses need to forge connections with their markets through various digital channels, engage with diverse stakeholders and communities via online platforms. However, managing digital assets, ensuring compliance, integrating them into a unified platform, and aligning key business activities with customer relationships in the social context have become significant hurdles for startups and small to medium-sized enterprises.

The Methodology for Transforming Business Models

A business model serves as an essential infrastructure for business operations. It acts as a CEO-level strategy map for fine-tuning the dynamics and value delivery between different components, enabling the organization to navigate challenges from both internal and external perspectives.

Every business model comprises four essential components: value creation, delivery, capture, and distribution. Drawing from general knowledge about business models, we can arrange various blocks within these components to create our unique approach, essentially forming a map for business operation and innovation.

In this course, we focus on transforming legacy business models into Social Business Models and Platformized Business Models. You have the flexibility to choose one or pursue both of these transformation goals simultaneously, depending on the development stages of your business.

Digital Social Entrepreneurship

The DSE framework aims to help entrepreneurs seamlessly integrate their business models with the digital and social landscape. It is a versatile framework that can be customized for any business type. Our commitment includes providing continuous, free updates and integration support. Alongside this, we offer transparent security solutions built on open-source software and decentralized deployment frameworks. Our services are openly shared within the technology and knowledge community, giving our clients control and influence over their digital systems, data, and workflows without requiring coding expertise. They can freely acquire and assemble human resources and application modules from the open-source market. Integration and maintenance are core aspects of the value we provide.

What can you benefit from this course?
  • Convert your business model

    This course is intended for entrepreneurs who possess a thorough comprehension of their existing business models. The main objective of this course is to equip them with the essential tools and techniques required to transform their business model into a dynamic dashboard, which will aid in maintaining consistent innovation and improving their execution skills by adopting a flexible and cost-effective approach.

  • Transform to Social and Digital

    Let's begin by introducing the SE Business Model Canvas, which is an upgraded version of the Business Model Canvas. It is designed to deliver both financial and social value in a scalable manner. We will then focus on the integration of seven digital systems into the four components of every business model. The aim is to understand how a digital framework can act as an intermediary for real-world business activities and observe its impact on the overall business dynamics.

  • Own DSE Strategy

    After completing your previous task, you will receive a Digital Modeling report to aid in deploying your DSE Model. Alternatively, we can manage the deployment and maintenance of the DSE Framework for you with advanced contracts.

Finally, map these elements to Lean Startup Canvas to formulate an action plan for Build-Measure-Learn cycle.